
In some cases RHEL is needed, however we do not provide it from TDS store.

However it is quite easy to convert CentOS to RHEL, so here are steps that some TDS users used and shared with us.

Compatibility check

OSIs it supported by these instructions?Comments
CentOS 7 >> RHEL 7YES
CentOS 8 Stream >> RHEL 8YES
CentOS 9 Stream >> RHEL 9


It is not supported by Convert2RHEL, but official docs mention something like this:

Can CentOS Stream 8 be upgraded to CentOS Stream 9 or RHEL 9?

Possibly, but the Convert2RHEL utility will not be used. Instead, the LEAPP utility provides advanced and automated in-place upgrades from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8 at scale.


License order

To be able to finish conversion successfully in as short time frame as possible it is recommended to get the license and RHSM credentials upfront. Contact procurement that can help with the process. Or setup account on Red Hat Customer Portal and purchase and manage your subscriptions there.

Deploy CentOS server

Use TDS portal to deploy your preferred CentOS 7/8 in your project. Steps can be found in Orchestration - Servers#Howtodeploynewserver page.

Convert the server

If you are converting your long term running server with configurations and data, make a backup first.

Conversion of fresh new server is not needed, in worst case you can re-deploy new one in short time (smile)

Install Convert2RHEL packages signing key

sudo curl -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release

Install Convert2RHEL repository

# For CentOS 7
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/convert2rhel.repo

# For CentOS 8
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/convert2rhel.repo

Install the Convert2RHEL utility

sudo yum -y install convert2rhel

Execute conversion

You need to provide username, password and optionally pool ID in this step. If you don't provide the pool, you'll be prompted later a list of available pools from which you have to select the subscription you want (we used Red Hat Satellite – Add-Ons for Providers).

sudo convert2rhel --username <RHSM username> --password <RHSM password> --pool <pool_id>

When running convert2rhel yuo have to hit few times y to y/n questions and after a little while the conversion is done. Just reboot the machine and enjoy your brand new RHEL system.

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