
Basic docker commands page has been introduced to help docker newcomers to start working with docker with few basic commands.


  • You know the Artifactory docker repository URL where your desired image currently is or will be located
  • Valid credentials with access to desired repository
  • Your machine where you will work with Docker.

     It can be virtual machine, server, testbed, laptop, workstation - this is up to you and your possibilities.

  • Docker client installed on your machine according to Dockerinstallation

  • Proper connectivity from your machine to repository URL

Docker installation

There is multiple ways how to install docker client. You need to have sudo access on your machine to be able to setup Docker.

We recommend this:

  • on CentOS/Fedora

    sudo yum install docker -y
  • on Ubuntu

    sudo apt install docker -y

For using docker without "sudo" user must be member of "docker" group on testbed to be able to utilize docker properly without need to type sudo all the time:

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
sudo systemctl restart docker
docker version

Docker daemon unix socket is owned by root user, standard user cannot operate docker by default. However, docker daemon can be controlled by members of "docker" group, so we are utilising this possibility.


To be able to work with private docker registry/repository, users must login first. More information can be found at

docker login <REPOSITORY_URL>

# Or with providing username to avoid asking username repeatedly
docker login -u <USER_NAME> <REPOSITORY_URL>

# Or with providing username and password to avoid asking credentials - do not use in shared environments as other users could be able to find your password in plaintext in command history

Working with images

Pull image from official public docker repository

docker pull <IMAGE>:<TAG>

Pull image from specific repository


Tagging image with specific tag or version


Push image to specific repository


Images list

docker images

Image remove

docker rm <IMAGE_ID>

Working with containers

Containers list

docker container ls --all

Running container


Stopping container

docker stop <CONTAINER>

Other helpful commands

Clearing local docker data

This command removes all unused images, containers and other data from docker locally. For more info, refer to official documentation.

It is helpful for easy starting with the "clear table".

docker system prune -a -f
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