Single sign on - SSO

Single sign on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set login credentials.

TDS authenticated users are also automatically authenticated in all TDS Services until expiration of user´s session.

User logout from TDS SSO is automatically logout from all his TDS services which support SSO logout.                                                                                                

SSO Session



SSO Session Idle10 hours
SSO Session Max20 hours

Default SSO Session length is 20 hours (10 hours when Idle).

Please create a ticket on Support in this purpose: 

Two factor authentication

Firstly you need to set up Mobile authentication to activate your account,

please follow these steps:

  1. Install one of the following application on your mobile phone. 

2. Open the application and scan the barcode.

3. Enter the one-time code provided by the application and click submit to finish the setup.