TDS team reserves regular maintenance window every Wednesday between 5-7 PM CET(winter time) or CEST (summer time). During that time frame planned changes are deployed to production environments. Service outages are usually 10-15 minutes, maximum 30 minutes. In case of expected longer outage all relevant users would be informed in advance by relevant channels.

Maintenance windows

All planned updates are communicated to users in advance. Following information channels are utilized for notifications about upcoming updates:

Emergency changes

TDS team reserves the right to take needed urgent actions to deploy changes, patches, workaround and other corrective actions in case of critical security issues to prevent security incidents. Key stakeholders (or SPOC) are informed by agreed channels about ongoing activities. During such emergency activities some services might be affected by temporary outages. The TDS team communicates the emergency changes to the Customer as soon as possible (banner, mail, or chat).

TDS Outage and Upgrade Communication

TDS maintenance windows are scheduled every Wednesday 5-7 PM CET. Operations team deploys service upgrades, patches, or changes. Most deployments are implemented within 15 minutes, however more complex changes can take 30 minutes or longer. Users are informed about all planned changes in advance, longer outages are highlighted in the communication.

Planned Changes

Planned changes deliver regular service upgrades and infrastructure changes.


Communication channel and timeframe

Jira and Confluence

Application banner - 48h in advance

Artifactory, Bitbucket, Gitlab, Subversion, SeedDMS

Application banner - 48h in advance (not available for SeedDMS and Subversion)

E-mail - 5 days in advance, addressed to TDS project owners and SaaS project admins (developers for Subversion)

Dedicated SaaS

(SaaS applications dedicated to one or multiple TDS projects)

SPOC and named stakeholders are informed by agreed channels 5 days in advance

Application banner 48 hours prior to change (if requested by SPOC)

(info) Regular schedule of maintenance windows can be occasionally altered (e.g. longer outages are scheduled for weekend instead of Wednesday evening). 

Emergency Changes

Emergency changes (typically urgent security patches) are deployed as soon as possible. Users are informed through the same communication channels as for planed changes, but the time between user communication and change deployment is shorter. Note that critical security vulnerabilities are often patched within 24 hours after CVE is published.


Virtual servers are dedicated to TDS projects and all maintenance is performed by project teams. In case of critical security vulnerabilities, TDS operations team patches these servers as soon as possible. Server admins (and named SPOC if applicable) are informed in advance via e-mail or chat.

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